Social economy:
c) To skip and avoid GMO (Genetically Manipulated Organs) produce and seeds, Hormone, Antibiotic, preservatives, hydrogenated oil, thickening agents, carrageenan, artificial flavor, artificial colors, corn syrup, citric acid and many other toxic additive products, You simply can buy either Organic product or %100 natural products. Try to buy your food mostly in ingredient form instead of processed form. What that mean? Buy Orange instead of orange juice. It’s cheaper and healthier. How? When you buy juice, you also pay for labor, container and advertising. Since there’s a huge competition between food and drink companies, they bring the quality as low as possible to make profit and stay in business. They even use GMO ingredients and cheap recycled containers to bring their cost down. But when you buy the actual organic fruit, Not only you trust what you’re eating, but also you eat all pulps as well which is a great source of minerals. In fact, it taste much better than the commercial juice. Since fruits don’t need advertising, you haven’t paid for advertising either. Automatically more money goes to organic farmer’s pockets. This results more money get recycled in every society. Other wise, Whatever you pay for processed food and drinks goes to a few companies bank accounts which most of them don’t live in your city or town to spend it back. Therefore economic problem occurs. This is the answer to “Why lately many countries one after another are getting bankrupt???”
When a small nation in a small country spend at least $7,000,000 per day for main brand commercial foods and drinks, we shouldn’t get surprised to hear many countries are either bankrupt or about getting bankrupt or their federals owes billions of dollars to private banks.
please calculate how much money annually from your town, city or your state goes to big companies (Like Cokes Mc Donald and etc...) . This is a big impact to economy. War is another economy destroyer. U.S.A spent between 1 to 1.7 billion dollar per day for war since 2011. But American still must provide thousands of dollars for a ordinary surgery with having health insurance. Many small businesses get killed by these commercial products. Mc Donald, Pepsi, Coke and Starbucks are few of them. Example: Instead of local organic farms which produce organic dairy, industrial GMO farm/farms took over the farming lands. Farmers must sell their properties and cattle and move to big cities and either get a cheap job or get unemployment (if their government pay). How it relates to us? instead of tasty organice dairy and produce, we get high priced tasteless hormoned, GMO and pestisided dairy and produce and rising unemployment rate. It follows to cancer and other dieseases along financial problems. it may also results divorce and many other social problems. You may reply, “Organic ingredients are expensive.” If you calculate how much you pay for health insurance, doctor visit, drugs, taking suffer from side effects and illnesses, you will reconsider this. You even feel better after eating organic produce comparing with GMO.