Body & Mental Cleansing
It's a fact that body and mind chemically and emotionally relate and effect each other. If one of them hurts, the others won't remain in peace. Therefore, those medical doctors who think drinking wrong fluids (alcoholic beverages), eating wrong food (GMO ingredients and etc) and breathing wrong gas (smoking, CO, HC and etc) don't effect the mind, they are absolutely wrong. Because researches and evidences proved that our brain and nerving system chemically constantly get fed, detox and communicate by and with other organs. If we don't treat our organs right, they get poisoned by us. When we insert toxic food, toxic drink, bad radiations and etc into our cells, it has consequences. the first symptom is, body and mental laziness and weakness. When there were no air pollutions, no harmful radiation, no GMO, no artificial flavor, no artifical color, no artificial oil, no artificial sweetener, no artificial preservative, no growth hormone, no antibiotic dairy, the cleansing wasn't this important. Many people think our body and mind don't need cleansing. This might be correct over 60 years ago, when all ingredients were organic, when all other elements were pure. But when poisonous pesticide like DDT took over farming, when hydrogenated oil (Palm oil, Margarine and etc) entered many kitchens for decades, since ranchers fed livestock with animal waste and GMO (Genetically Manipulated Organs) product, since food and drug companies were convicted of creating variety of sicknesses many times, since we non stop get exposed by electro magnetic radiation by our wireless phone and wi-fi internet router, our body and mind including our pets (if we have) need cleansing via Nutrition and other elements. I explain the other elements in different sections.
How shall we cleanse our body and mind? Not with herbal medicine, not with machinary equipment, not with hard work-out to tear your muscle cells, and finally not with drugs. It has to be done with food and other natural elements.
People's minds also need to get cleansed. Since TV came to public places and houses, majority of people got hypnotized and brain washed by advertisements, by corporated news, by tons of manipulated documentary films and movies which got sponsored by industrial processed food companies, by drink companies, by GMO companies, by fossil fuel companies, by nuclear energy companies, by weapon companies and by pharmaceutical companies which misleaded many point of views.
Correcting fundamental point of views, takes many days along homeworks which I design for each patient in order to get rid of internal mental inclusions. Greed is one of mental diesease which need to get rid of. jealousy is another one which as the patient gets older, this mental disorder turns into a disease. Hasty judgement/false accusation which grows from toxic body and mind, is another one. During the program which I design for each patient separately, I start from foundation. The experience showed and proved that correcting point of views which is the foundation, automatically removes all of these mental poisons. Patients must spend at least one month full time in our programs. There are many classes they must participate along exams and feedbacks. Whoever entered our programs, either got healed completely, or got %80 improvement at least. So, not only this method is affordabe and quicker, but also is much more effective than chemo therapy, radiation, surgery and some other methods. This method has no side effects. Beside, the disease doesn't get back. Stopping symptoms aren't healing. removing organs aren't healing. The creator created every organ for certain purpose. removing it weakens organs teamwork and communication. Whichever you choose, I respect your decision. Every single of us have born free to choose our life style. So, the decision is yours. But do not let anybody directly or indirectly enforce you to a decision. Like making you scared from death. Fear grows from ignorance. Not only we help your body and mind heal themselves, but also we educate you to become your own physicians by teaching you human physiology and real nutrition science. Not the pharmaceutical companies friendly version one which has been teaching in academic chain universities for decades. Our life is valuable. How do we spend our time in our lives is important. The quality of it is more important than the length of it. If people get fooled by a person or an organisation or a corporation or medias, they have paid a very expensive price to become a victim.
To get more clue about my method, please read "ELEMENTS Nutritional Healing" in home page.